Friday, 27 February 2009

Welcome back!

Welcome back - hope you all had a good half term break. This term looks to being another busy time. We have book week coming up next week, which includes a visit to Redbridge Drama Centre on Wednesday. Please ensure that all permissions slips are returned asap.

Many of the children seemed to have enjoyed the week's holiday. Here is what Bernice and Alozie have to say:

Alozie writes:

One day my family and I woke up in the morning and decided that we should go bowling. We all got ready and then we packed the car with our bowling gear. We packed refreshments and set off at 2:00. We left late because it was disco night. We played a couple of games and everybody came 1st in at least one game. It was great fun. We also had some ice cream. After we had turns on the motor bikes and rides and other things. Next, we had dinner and went home at 11:00 o’clock. When we arrived home, we watched scary movies until 2:00. But me and my dad had some bonding time, we talked until 2:40am so we went to bed quite late, but we all enjoyed ourselves.

The next day we had a surprise from our Mum who had booked us to do the activities at the Redbridge Leisure Centre, GO BONKERS.
We were there at 10.30am, but the actual activities started at 11.00am. There were so many inflatable activities. My best one was the gladiator tournament which I won most of the time. My sister’s and I had so much fun. We were all tired when we got home, but it was great fun.

Bernice writes:

My half term was really exciting. Me and my little brother made a candy house out of chocolate biscuits and candy canes. On Tuesday we went to the cinema and watched ‘Hotel for Dogs’. Wednesday, I went to my cousin’s party and we had a karaoke night and I acted like Britney Spears. It was really fun and we had lots of fun. On Thursday we had a feast of candy and I felt really bloated! On Friday we had to go to my Nan’s house then we had to clean up our rooms because they were dirty, we had a 6 month old burger then my little brother took a bite out of it and it tasted nice!

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